We understand the problems we Nigerians face in terms of Power failure in Nigeria. We solved the problem with our Solar Energy and Inverter Installation we are located in Ibadan, the best alternative means of generating Electricity for Home, Offices, Schools, Communities etc.
Solar System and Inverter System
This is an alternative means of generating Electricity on your own to power most electric loads (i.e. lights, appliances, tools, etc.) at Offices, Homes, Schools, Communities etc. from photovoltaic solar cells which produce continuous DC (Direct Current) power and we need AC (Alternating Current) to power most electric loads (i.e. lights, appliances, tools, etc.) because most of electric loads operate on AC (Alternating Current) and therefore another device is needed to convert DC (Direct Current) to AC (Alternating Current ), the Device that convert DC (Direct Current) to AC (Alternating Current ) is called Inverter System.
An Inverter System converts the electrical power generated by the photovoltaic solar cells into AC power supply suitable for feeding directly into the power grid.
Benefit of Solar System And Inverter System
Solar System and Inverter System makes it possible for Companies and individuals to use the sun to power every electrical loads. the benefit 0f solar system and Inverter system :
- Renewable Energy Source
- Reduces Eliminate Electricity Bills
- Low Maintenance Costs
- Energy Independence
- Silent Operation
- Consistent and Constant Power Source:
- Diverse Applications
- No pollution
- Protects Natural Resources etc,
Features To Be Consider When Selecting Inverter System
- Application Environment (Home, Office, Emergency backup etc.).
- Electrical Standards (DC input voltage, AC output voltage and frequency).
- Power Capacity (Watts).
- Power Waveform (Square wave, Modified Sine wave,Sine wave ).
- Internal protection (Overload and surge protection Low voltage shutoff ).
- Inductive load capability (Inductive loads such as well pump, washing machine, power tools, etc.).
- Efficiency
- Automatic on/off
- Battery charging features. Etc.
Materials Require For Solar System And Inverter System
Solar system and inverter system require more components than just a set of solar panels. Materials are :
- Solar Panel(s)
- Solar Charge Controller
- Power Inverter
- Battery(ies)
Solar System And Inverter system are a feature that every Companies and individual should consider. The benefits are incredible, particularly the cost savings and impact on the environment.
Contact Tonig Technical Works today for :
- Good Services and Expert Project.
- Speed and Good Quality Project Delivery.
- Cost Affordability.
- Reliability and Efficiency.
- Transparency and Technical Capability.
- High Customer Satisfaction.
At Tonig Technical Works we offer Professional, Quality, Efficiency installation of Solar Energy and Inverter installation and we sell solar energy and inverter materials and equipment @ Cheap and Affordable prices.